Marine Corps WarsWar of 1812 Action in Santo Domingo and Shores of Trippoli
Mexican War 1846 to 1848 Halls of Montezuma
Civil War----1861 to 1865 Bull Run Cape Hatteras New Orleans Charleston Fort Fisher
Spanish American War-----1898 Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, Phiippines, Boxer Rebelion in China 1900.
World war 1----1914 to 1919 30,000 Marines served in France and more than a third were killed or wonded in six months. 1918 Belleau Wood, Soisons, St. Michiels Blane Mont.
WW2---The success of Marine amphibious warfare was proven in Guadalcanal,Bougainville, Tarawa, New Britain, Kwajalein Wninetok,Saipan, Guam, Tjinian, Peleliu, Iwo Jim and Okinawa.
The war cost the Marines nearly 87,000 dead or wonded and 82 Marines earned the Medal of Honor.
Korea--1950-1955 Landing at Inchon, Korea in Sept.1950 and the re-capture of Seoul, Marines advanced to the Chosen Reservoir when the Chinese entered the war. After years of endless offensives and counter offensives Marines were withdrawn in March 1955 more than 25000 Marines was killed or wounded.
July 1958---Marines landed in Lebanon to restore order.
October 1962--Marine amphibious forces marshaled during the Cuba missle crisis.
April 1965--A Brigade landed in Dominican Republic to protect and evacuate the americans that want to leave.
Vietnam 1965 Marines arrived in DaNang. After the tet offensive summer of 1966,stregnth rose to about 85000. Marines withdraw began in 1969--but ground forces were out ot Vietnam by June 1971. 13000 Marine killed and 88000 woonded.
1975---Marines evacuated embassy staff and american citizens in PhnomPenn,Cambodia,Sagon Vietnam.
Aug. 1982--Marine units landed at Beruit Lebanon as part of the multi-national peace keeping force.
Oct. 1983---Marines took part in the successful short notice intervention in Grenads.
16 Jan 1991--Operation Desert Storm was launched. By the morning of Feb,28, 100 hours after the ground war began almost the entire Iraqi army had been encircled with 4000 tanks destroyed and 42 divisions destroyed or rendered inefective.
During the 1990's a number of other significient deployments took place to protect American interests and protect American citizens in other parts of the world.
The 1991 Gulf War began with 40 days of airstrikes and ended with a 100 hr. ground war. The 2003 War lasted 43 days with ground forces launching into Irac on the second day.
Today's Marine Corps stands ready to continue in the proud tradirion of those who so vallantly fought and died at Belleau Wood, Iwo Jima, the Chosin Reservoir and Khe Sahn combining a long and proud heritage of faithful service to the nation with the resolve to face tomorrow's challanges will continue to keep the Marine Corps the best of the best.
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